Here’s a roundup of all the announcements from the Granblue Extra Fes 2021 stream – the official Koregra post should be up soon to clarify any details. Once it’s up, we’ll replace this page with that.
Vira will release in December, and will be able to transform.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
More looks at the GBVS artbook, coming out on September 30th.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
Granblue Fantasy
Summer Mandragora summon
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
Summer outfits for Fraux and Lobelia, on sale in… 10 minutes!
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
The Billowing Ocean Bloom Outfit CA for Fraux
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
The Danger Beckons by the Shore CA for Lobelia
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
August 29th: Fire Heles 5* uncap, tied to the end of the month event!
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
Transcending from 130 to 140 will require having all Eternals uncapped to 5 stars, and then require some treasures on top of that.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
From 140 to 150, there will be a unique treasure that unlocks a fate episode.
In Rise of the Beasts, reward adjustments:
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
-Number of Four Symbols Stones increased to 4
-Number of badges needed for all rewards from an Elemental Beast decreased to 120 (Doesn't include Shenxian)
The overall reward list for each beast is also being adjusted, see next tweet.
Alchemist Astray to side stories on August 24th
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
Divergent Knighthoods to side stories on September 21st
New slots in the summon grid, but dedicated only to Sub Auras – the Sub Auras will not provide stats and not be summonable. More details later.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
A once-a-day quest known as Angel Halo Pro: it runs Angel Halo 10 times and guarantees a Dimension Halo.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
(You must be able to unlock Dimension Halo to run Angel Halo Pro)
They plan to add more V2-style info to raids, to lower the amount of memorization required to fight bosses
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
A collab event is coming in October, but they cannot announce what it is just yet.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
The next character single will be November 3rd, featuring the Dragon Knights again!
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
The preview page for the Dragon Knights single is up on the GBF character single page, with more details on what the song will have.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
The serial code packed with the single will include 4 voiced stickers (one for each knight), an SR or better ticket, and 3 elixirs.
A new raid fight tentatively referred to as "Super Ultimate Bahamut", which will let you upgrade the Bahamut and Ultima weapons further.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
(almost missed posting this one)
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
Granblue Fest 2021 will happen at the end of the year, and take place both online and offline. Details to come as the plans solidify
We will walk along the bottom of the ocean to make it there if we have to…
The summer stream prizes have arrived!
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021
In total:
1 sunlight
1 dama
17k crystas
500k rupees
20 elixirs
5k arcapoints
100 half pots
300 berries
5 gold books
5 gold moons
15 blue sky
50 rainbow prism
1 SSR ticket
3 silver centrum
2 rings
1 of each awakening orb
According to KMR on the stream, most Extra Fest 2021 items that sold out will be available for sale at and during Fes 2021 later in the year. However, the Extra Fes booklet has more production lined up, and the store was restocked with more last night (which sold out again btw)
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) August 7, 2021