We regularly commission @sashacall for images that can be used as emotes or avatars on social media. Feel free to use them!
Continue reading “GBF Emotes”Month: March 2022
8th Anniversary Megapost
Here is all the information given during the 8th Anniversary stream. We will update this post with any additional information that comes from Koregra, which should be released soon.
There was no new info about Relink in this stream.
Wind and Light Character Changes March 2022
On the 8th Anniversary stream, Cygames announced changes to four wind and four light characters. Here are translations of the changes. The rest of the updates announced at the 8th Anniversary stream can be found in our megapost.
Continue reading “Wind and Light Character Changes March 2022”Automaton Media interview with Fukuhara Tetsuya and Sekine “Pachi” Kazuto 3/3/2022

To commemorate the release of the new Legendary Edition of Granblue Fantasy Versus, Automaton Media sat down for an interview with Fukuhara Tetsuya (creative director, referred to as “FKHR” below) and Sekine Kazuto (battle designer, referred to as “Pachi” below) to discuss the history of the game and its road ahead!
Continue reading “Automaton Media interview with Fukuhara Tetsuya and Sekine “Pachi” Kazuto 3/3/2022″