The customary statistics presentation from the playerbase for 7th anniversary was shown in the comfy stream this year, and we’ve compiled our translation tweets for them below.
Katou is working on Transcending the Edge but finds the Six Dragon Advent fights to take so long…
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
First stat: players with each number of Eternals unlocked (top graph), and 5*ed ) bottom graph).
30k players have 5*ed all 10 Eternals since December, and Tachibana 5*ed her 1st
Number of each 5* Eternal
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
Nearly 40k players 5*ed Tweyen in the last 3 months, probably because of Unite and Fight.
Katou is sad that more players didn't 5* Fif, and Nakamura mentions that she doesn't do much in Full Auto, even though she's very strong.
2,680 players have Transcended the Edge for all 4 characters who have level 110
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
Tachibana: "Isn't that crazy?!"
Nakamura: "Crazy people play this game."
Number of players at each number of unlocked Evokers
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
In 3 months, the number of players with all 10 more than tripled
Katou: "A lot of people are like Osaka here and wait for Unite and Fight to figure out their next one"
Players and how many 5* Arcarum summons they have
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
New World Foundation weapons at 3*. Kawahara talks about how Arcarum, Sandbox, and Dailies take a lot of time so the new world foundation weapons get put on the backburner.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
Nakamura says that the sweaties can spend all day in Sandbox, so this is for them
Most commonly equipped AX skill combinations on player grids:
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
Colo staff, Levi Dagger, Ygg sword first:
1 (all). CA damage x Stam
2 (all). Attack x ability damage cap
3 (colo, levi): CA damage x CA cap
3 (ygg): Attack x CA damage
Most common AX skill stat combos for the Ancestral Weapon series
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
1. Tia Omega
2. Grimnir
3. Zephyrus
7. Summer Rose Queen
1. Lucifer
2. Lumi Omega
3. Zeus
5. Sandalphon
1. Bahamut
2. Celeste Omega
3. Hades
1. Huanglong
2. Kaguya
3. Qilin
4. Nobiyo
Player records for 4* uncapped Grand weapons
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
3 people with 9 Ixabas at 4*
1 player with 3 Keraks at 4*
1 person has 10 Benedias at 4*
1 person with 7 4* Purifying Thunderbolts
4 players with 4 4* Fists of Destruction
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
1 player with 10 uncapped AK-4As
1 player with 4 uncapped World Enders
1 with 9 mirror-blade shards
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
1 player with 9 Fallen Swords uncapped
Nakamura: "Be honest, these crazy numbers all belong to the same player, right? Give us a name so we may bow to them"
64% of all players use Djeeta as main character
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
36% Gran
The Grans on the panel are Katou Emiri, Tachibana Rika, and Hoshino Takanori
Most popular April 1st skins, by year
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
Characters in each element with the most Awakening level 7
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
Fire: Tien, Anila, Athena
Water: Vajra, Lily, Feower
Earth: Narmaya, Eahta, S.Alexiel
Wind: Seofon, Andira, Catura
Light: Tweyen, Grand Jeanne, Lucio
Dark: Seox, Vikala, Orchid
Rankings for characters set as the most Star Character
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021
1. Vikala
2. Vajra
3. Christmas Narmaya
4. Grand Jeanne
5. Catura
6. Tweyen
7. Nier
8. Grand Sandalphon
9. Summer (Grand) Zooey
10. Dark Narmaya
As we close out the Comfy Stream, another rush of GBF fan art!
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 7, 2021