The slides from the 9th anniversary stream that we delayed for translation were dense enough to warrant a post on its own. This will cover the following:
- Character Rebalances
- Grand Weapon Awakenings
- Changes to V2 Honors
- Yamato Job Class
- Job Class IV / EX II Boost System
- Evoker 5* Uncaps
For the rest of the 9th Anniversary news please visit the original post.
Character Rebalances
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Insane Style: Added "Deals additional damage based on current Divine Death Saw of Death level (max 5)"
Psycho's Path: Added "Deals additional damage based on DDSD"
You're Toast! and ++: Now 6 hits of random damage
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Symphonie Reveuse (CA): Ends CD for Selfira's blue buttons. (No longer Revitalizes)
All'improvista: Reworked. Now a Blue button. Deals Wind damage to all foes. Inflict 1 Tuning (max 10), DA/TA down (stacking). At Tuning 5+, activates twice.
Lennah (Wind)
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Le Jardin de Fleurs (4* CA): Spirit Blossom effect
L'Enfer des Fleurs (5* CA): Still does Spirit Blossom. Also activates Renaissance (skill 2 heal)
Mistral Bouquet: Reworked. Now blue. Dispel all foes, inflict 1 Toxicosis.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Defandu: inflicts 1 Tuning in addition to what it did before
Defandu+: also inflicts 1 Tuning in addition to what it did before
Defandu++: Yep, this one inflicts 1 Tuning in addition to what it did before too let's move on
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Scapegoat (CA): No longer grants Mirror Image. Now grants Unchallenged (1 hit), heals self.
Merciless Doom: Also inflicts Light ATK down
Thanatos Bane: Damage increased, inflict 1 Toxicosis
Malice Wing: gain Malice Wing. Can't be reused. (no other info given)
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Raven's Shadow (CA): Reworked. Now activates Shadow Arts
Shadow Arts: Gain Dodge Rate up, Hostility up, 20% charge bar, 2 Knives
Toxic Nails: Inflict 1 Toxicosis, Poison, and Delay on all foes
Black Knight
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Obsidian Moonlight (CA): Reworked. Now reduces skill CDs by 1 turn
Sword of Delusion (5* CA): Reduce CDs by 1 turn, next Quadspell activates twice.
Quadspell: Damage and damage cap increased
Acumen: Additional Delay effect
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Charm Throb: Now also grants Guaranteed TA to Vania
Charm Throb+: Guarantees TA without Vampyr Drop use. Additional effect when consuming 1 Vampyr drop: Vania Double Strikes for the duration.
We're pretty sure that's all the character rebalances so on to the next slides we punted to later
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Mirror Blade Shard: ATK or Skill Damage
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Eternal Love: DEF or Skill Damage
Reunion: CA or Healing
Gambanteinn: ATK or Skill Damage
Certificate: ATK or DEF
Blutgang: DEF or Skill Damage
Parazonium: ATK or CA
Grand Weapon Awakenings
ATK awakening: 15% atk / 5% NA damage cap up / 25% atk
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
DEF: 15% HP / 20% Def / 25% HP
CA: 20% CA DMG / 10% CA DMG cap / 100k supplemental CA damage
Skill damage: 10% skill cap / 20% skill dmg / 15% skill cap
Heal: 10% heal cap / 10% debuff resist / 20% heal cap
Changes to V2 Honors
Yes they did mention the upcoming change to Full Auto where you can turn certain buttons off and it was an "early May" estimate for implementation
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Yamato Job Class
Base ability: 800% Elemental damage. Reduce requirements to cancel an enemy Omen. Raise [buff] by 1. Can only be used when an omen can be canceled. (red)
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
EMP 1: 800% Elemental damage / gain special buff. Special effect on dodge: 1100% damage to enemy / gain 2 [buff]
Yamato support 1: Increase [buff] level by 2 on Fated Chain activation or successful Omen cancel. ATK up based on [buff] level.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Yamato support 2: When enemy uses a Stance attack, gain ATK Greatly Increased (1 time). When enemy uses an Incanted attack, gain 20% FC.
Job Class IV / EX II Boost
-The (system)'s level can be increased by spending various treasures.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
-Raising the (system)'s level from 1-6 will increase that class's stats.
-When the (system) level is increased to the 6th level, new EX skills become available.
Wave 4: Lumberjack, Warlock, Robin Hood, Chrysaor, Doctor
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
5: Nighthound, Bandit Tycoon, Monk, Rising Force
6: Yamato, Relic Buster, Cavalier, Masquerade
Beast Fang: Elemental damage nuke, ATK/DEF Down, Damage Cap up
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
While Ulfhedinn is active, automatically activates on one-foe attacks
Blood of the Berserker: Unique buff to self (Consume 25% of current HP on CA to grant self Assassin 1 time). Buff turns off on 2nd use or low HP.
"Elegant Diadem": Gain 1 stack of unique buff each turn (max 5). Each stack increases damage dealt. Buff level resets on taking damage. Can't be recast.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
(curse you Apsaras for having skill descriptions a mile long this one goes to 3)
Kengo stat boosts
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
ATK +3500
HP +1500
DA +7%
TA +7%
CA Damage +12%
CA Damage Cap +5%
EX skills
EX 1: Elemental damage to all foes / Remove 1 buff / gain 30% CA meter (can only be used with a Bow in main hand)
Kengo EX 3: Gain unique buff. Chance to counter (Dodge, 3x) / amplify Counter damage / gain 10% charge meter on counter. During unique buff, do not deal one-foe attacks. Buff ends on second press of skill button.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Catnip: Catnip effect to self: At end of turn, if CA gauge is 50% or higher, consume 30% to restore 5 MP / gain Chaser / restore HP to all allies.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
Scratcher: All allies' TA up (1 time) / gain self element Chaser. Consumes 15 MP / can't be recast
Evoker 5* Uncap Requirements
To unlock skill 4 on an Evoker:
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) March 4, 2023
1) Level the Evoker to 100
2) Defeat The World, and watch the cut scenes that play before and after the battle
3) Consume treasures that drop from The World to play the evoker's new level 100 fate episode