At the end of the 6th anniversary stream, Nakamura Yuuichi looked at the camera and said that he would need to go home and read all the news and announcements again, and it’s time for a full roundup! Let’s get cracking!
March 10th updates

The new campaign for this year: daily scratcher tickets. Match 3, and win that item! Runs from 3/10 to 3/31.

For the anniversary, there will be a 6x XP and RP campaign that runs from March 10th through March 31st. It will last until 1,000,000 RP and 3,000,000 XP are earned, and after that it will go down to a more normal 2x XP/RP. Co-op quests will not be affected by the campaign bonus.

The 6th anniversary gacha ticket will allow you to pick limited characters, as well as seasonal characters and summons. It will allow limited characters up to the end of 2018 (Shiva) and seasonal characters up to Christmas 2019 (Seruel, Narmaya, Magisa, Meteon).

The 6th anniversary weapon ticket will allow you to pick one 4*, max level, max skill level from the following list:
-Epic weapons (including Scales of Judgment, Savior of Hallowed Ground, etc)
-Proving Grounds weapons
-Xeno weapons
-Malice weapons (Majestas, etc)
-Cerberus and Fenrir weapons
-Regalia weapons (Europa, Grimnir, etc)

One Omega/Magna weapon of each element will be sent out to all players at level 200 and skill level 20:
-Tiamat Bolt Omega
-Colossus Cane Omega
-Leviathan Gaze Omega
-Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega
-Luminiera Sword Omega
-Celeste Claw Omega

The 6th anniversary skins are Aglovale and Clarisse!

Two special Star Premium promotions for the anniversary: One starting on 3/10 that guarantees a seasonal character or summon from 2018 or 2019.
On 3/29, a second Star Premium will run that guarantees a Premium Gala-exclusive character. (Note that Kumbhira, who is not available for all of 2020, cannot be drawn from this set.)

Also on 3/10, the new Lindworm Impossible fight will go live, implementing the first look at Battle System Version 2. It will be an 18-person raid. To host it, you must clear a new quest on Groz Island in Oarlygrande. It will require 3 Genesis Fragments to host, and can be hosted twice per day. There will be new Draconic Weapons that can be crafted from Lindworm’s drops.
The next 4 solo battles will be the Six Dragons.
3/10: Fire dragon
3/17: Wind dragon
4/2: Water dragon
4/9: Earth dragon

The Draconic Weapons from Lindworm and the Six Dragons will have 3 skills: the first skill will always give attack up to [elemental] characters that goes up each turn. The second skill is one of the following 7 skills:
-Defense up
-Reduced damage from [element]
The third skill is either Magna/Omega or Primal Majesty (Large).
Important note: the Draconic weapons and the Opus weapons are mutually exclusive, and are limited to one in your grid – not one each, one total.
Two new classes go live on 3/10: Lumberjack and Cavalier!
Lumberjack is axe/harp spec, and will have forest creatures that come out and either attack or buff the party based on certain conditions. These conditions can include using your CA, the enemy using special actions, etc
Cavalier is spear/gun, and its role will depend on which weapon is equipped. Spear will be a tank, drawing attacks to itself and counterattacking, while gun will have it act as more of a support and sniper character.

Their unlock requirements will be unique for Tier 4 classes, and are a throwback to how tier 2 and 3 classes are unlocked.
Lumberjack: Berserker level 20, Elysian level 20, earn a special trophy (usually from a new quest), and use 20 new class distinctions plus 4000 class points.
Cavalier: Spartan level 20, Nighthound level 20, earn a special trophy (usually from a new quest), and use 20 new class distinctions plus 4000 class points.
Their Class Champion weapons will unlock in late April.

6 new EX skills for tier 4 classes:
Berserker: Ulfheonar. Uses 100% meter for MC atk/def up, guaranteed TA, chaser, debuff immunity, and skill lock. Lasts 4 turns.
Nighthound: Time On Target. MC element damage to a foe. Inflicts a random debuff. Activates a number of times based on the number of gun/bow spec allies in the party.
Warlock: Replication Cast. MC element damage to all foes. 20% meter up to all allies. Effect increased based on number of Staff specialty allies. 3 turn cooldown.
Bandit Tycoon: Sanmon Gosan no Kiri. Inflict Onslaught (see: Tien 5*). Chaser to allies based on Treasure Hunt level. Lasts 1 turn.
Elysian: Oratorio. Multiattack up and Chaser for 4 turns to all harp spec allies.
Apsaras: Hekireki Senden. Spear spec characters guaranteed TA. Axe spec characters given Supplemental Damage on one foe attacks. (buff not given any duration)

New chat sticker: a quokka.

Arcarum passport limits increased. Each passport expansion will now provide +20 instead of +5, making the max number of Arcarum Passports hold 90 instead of 30. This will apply retroactively to anyone who already bought expansions.

Also expanding: inventories and stashes. Stashes will be 300 in size instead of 200, and there will be 40 purchases of 10 extra weapon slots instead of 20. Like Arcarum expansions, the inventory and stash changes will be applied to everyone who already owns these.

Fenrir and Cerberus weapons will be added to the Renown pendants shop. Greipnir and Hellward Dagger will cost 2500, while Fimbul and Cerberus Order will cost 5000. You can buy up to 2 a month.

You will be able to use 10 single tickets at once while drawing. This will purely a quality of life upgrade – the 10th ticket will not guarantee an SR.
3/24 updates

That’s part one! Coming on 3/24: Vane 5*!

Coming 3/24, the rank cap will go up from 250 to 275.
And, for people who are trying to beat Ultimate Bahamut Impossible, a new option that lets you practice and beat the fight. Consume one of each Primarch halo to unlock a new solo version of the fight, which allows:

-Infinite elixir usage
-A gaggle of buffs, with 300% attack up, 100% HP up, 50% reduced damage, 100% MA, 50% cap up.
This new fight will not count as soloing Ultimate Bahamut Impossible for trophy purposes.

Grand Order and Kaguya 4* uncaps (also on 3/24):
Grand Order main aura: also provides up to 50% defense (in addition to up to 200% boost to Normal attack if front line allies include at least 3 different elements)
Grand Order sub aura: 5% damage up against non-elemental enemies
Grand Order summon effect: 400% damage nuke, and allies gain a special Peacemaker’s Wings buff that provides attack/defense up and drain (see: Gun Zooey)
Kaguya main aura: adds multiattack up, and item drop rate/XP up 30%
Kaguya sub aura: 10% XP up
Kaguya summon effect: 400% damage nuke, and adds CA meter up along with CA damage up/damage cap up

Dimension halo update (yes, it’s still 3/24): Dimension Halo will appear more often, and if you have gone 9 straight Angel Halos without a Dimension Halo appearing, it is guaranteed to appear on the 10th run.

The promised Skill Jewel and Skill Shared updates. Bahamut weapons and all weapons that level up on that same scale will be adjusted.

Skill leveling UI updates, including seeing how many skill up points a weapon is worth and auto-leveling skill fodder.

Quality of life UI changes for swapping characters.
3/27 update (Premium Friday)

Two new things to buy from Premium Friday: a new weapon skin, and a Wonder that gives 1% extra XP gain from Friday through Sunday each week.
April updates

April 7th: 4* uncaps for the Primal and Old Primal series, AKA Ecke Sachs, Cortana, etc

April 20th: 000 rerun. You will not be able to get the new Atma/Ultima Weapon if you already got it in 2019.

April 30th: new Eternals weapon skins for players who have the Guider to the Eternal Edge skin already.
May updates

Coming in May: Beelzebub raid, with Astral weapons and a short story about Beelzebub. It will use Battle System Version 2.

Six Dragons raids will also go live in May.

100 gold moon 5* uncaps and balance updates for some
Character updates

March’s swimsuit character: Teena
New bonus poses for Swimsuit Heles, Swimsuit Narmaya, and Swimsuit Sara.

Incoming Limited Mugen in March.

Awakening levels
No date announced, but based on Awakening Level, characters will be able to get extra stats and other buffs. Raising Awakening Level will require the use of treasure.
New event types
The Tower of Babyl is tenatively scheduled for Summer.

A new non-PvP event for crews that will earn Valor Badges. It will not be PvP, it will be individuals and crews working toward set goals.
It will have a separate element rotation from Unite and Fight, and will alternate with/replace some Unite and Fights.

The next collab: idolm@ster Cinderella Girls, coming in May
Eternals uncaps, part 2

No details yet, but scheduled for some time in 2020.
Merchandise info

Ferry skin with the 4th DVD of season 2 of the anime

Granblue Fantasy Versus soundtrack will go on sale June 17th. The art and materials book will go on sale in early summer 2020.

A mini-soundtrack, The Radiant World, will go on sale on streaming platforms on 3/10. It includes Platinum Sky 2, Oarlygrande, the Grand Order Impossible theme, Armageddon, and the two Seeds of Redemption themes.

Stella Magna studio album will be up for preorder on 3/9, with 12 songs including some original tracks. It will be sold at Extra Fest 2020.

Graphic Archive VI and Graphic Archive VI Extra Works artbooks will go on sale May 29th.

Extra Fes 2020 coming in May and August, and the most important things coming out of that are fat Colossus plushes and fat Colossus plushes.

Skyleap UI updates: multiple Quick Access bookmarks, saved Favorite presets, and a rebuilt home page.
Gachapin roulette

From midnight at 3/10 to Premium Gala on 3/30, the Gachapin Roulette returns. There will be no doubling, but there will be 100 guaranteed rolls on 3/30’s Premium Gala banner.
That’s “all”!