B’s-Log interview with Lobelia

The October 2024 issue of B’s-LOG magazine went on sale today, with a set of interviews themed around summer horror. It’s a quickie, so we translated it for fun!

Lobelia: There was this one little accident, where I crushed one of my favorite shells. That… chill, that sense of loss…

It was such an indescribably blissful feeling! But it was a waste of a shell, so I don’t want to do it again.

Lobelia: I would start with something encouraging and soothing. I might sing a gentle lullaby, or say “Let’s listen to some of my collection to calm down.”

Lobelia: I would add to my collection, of course. But I don’t find any beauty in cheap screams. If the situation called for it, I would turn that kimodameshi into a wonderful concert, and the hall would be filled with the most beautiful, blessed sounds.

Lobelia: What comes after the most sensual experiences… the emptiness. But the fear isn’t enough to keep me from enjoying them to the fullest. The glorious peal that signals the end of that joyous moment… how satisfied will I be when it’s over?