The final Pash! interview is with the Lord of Flames himself, Oosaka Ryouta (Percival)! He weighs in on his character, on Granblue Fantasy, and more.
Pash: What does Granblue Fantasy mean to you?
Oosaka: Just the main quest has multiple games worth of content in it, but there are monthly stories, side events, and much much more. Sometimes I’m floored by just how much there is to do with this game. And on top of all that, there are so many facets to the characters that you get to see, and it’s just amazing.

Pash: What kind of character is Percival?
Oosaka: At first, he was an arrogant narcissist of a man who tried to make you into his vassal, but since then there’s been so much – he’s spent story events in a swimsuit, he’s done some wacky comic stuff, he’s done some boy band things, it sometimes makes me wonder where this guy’s really going. But in events like “Between Frost and Flame”, you can see that he’s a little brother who cares about his home and his big brother, and he’s just plain cool. Even I don’t know everything about him.
Pash: Is there anything you focus on when playing him?
Oosaka: I’m used to it now, but when I started, I didn’t have too many roles where I used this deep of a voice. I remember it being really rough in the beginning. After every recording, my voice would be half gone.
Pash: Which of Percival’s events has left the biggest impression on you?
Oosaka: I talked about this one a bit earlier – the “Between Frost and Flames” event with Aglovale. It was a great event where you could see him with his hair down and much more.
Pash: What did you think of the September story event, “SIEGFRIED”?
Oosaka: We finally got to see what they looked like as Black Dragon knights. I sat down with the staff and asked a lot of questions like “How many years ago was this?”, and that was a great help to me when it was time to act.
Pash: What do you think of Lancelot, Vane, and Siegfried? What does Percival think of them?
Oosaka: I think Lancelot is the closest thing to a real friend that Percival has in that group. They’ve been through so much together that Percival trusts him enough to show him a different side of himself than normal.
Vane? Vane is a mongrel. But when push comes to shove, he gets the job done. Percival knows that, so he trusts him – I think they have a pretty good relationship, honestly.
Siegfried is his old boss, who he used to speak to in a very formal manner. At some point, he started feeling comfortable enough to speak to him more casually, and I’d like to know what happened to make that happen. Percival respects Siegfried’s strength and abilities a lot, and he learns a lot from him.
Pash: What would you like to see from Percival from here on?
Oosaka: “SIEGFRIED” was the first event in a while where you could see the group being awesome, and I really liked seeing them when they were young. I think I prefer the more serious events, so I’d like to do more of these.

Pash: Is there a GBF character other than Percival that you want to see more of?
Oosaka: I would really like to know what the middle brother Lamorak looks like now. When will we see him as an adult? It feels like it’s going to happen at some point, but I’d rather see it sooner than later. I wonder how it will happen, and I can’t wait to see it.
Pash: Do you have a message for all the skyfarers out there?
Oosaka: We’ve had 4 years as the Dragon Knights, and I wonder what the fifth year will be like. I’m excited to see what happens next. On a personal level, I’d love to see all four of us get together and do a group reading some time, and I hope all of you keep on supporting us.