As part of the Granblue Fantasy Versus marketing blitz, Dengeki PlayStation volume 684 includes a 20-page cover feature on GBVS, including two interviews with the voices of Percival and Ferry. They talk about their own characters as they enter the world of fighting games, as well as their favorite parts of GBVS.
Dengeki: How long have you been playing Granblue Fantasy?
Oosaka: I’ve been playing since Percival was released, so about 5 years.
Dengeki: What did you think of the game at first?
Oosaka: The system was simple and easy to play, and I really liked the art and graphics.
Dengeki: Has anything memorable happened for you in the game recently?
Oosaka: I’ve started talking to higher level players, started watching videos, and I think my parties and grids have gotten a lot better.

Dengeki: What did you think when you first heard that GBF was going to become a fighting game?
Oosaka: I was surprised at first, but the GBF setting is so perfect for a fighting game that I thought it was a great fit.
Dengeki: GBF has so many characters in it, and your character was chosen to be part of the initial playable cast. How does that make you feel?
Oosaka: Percival and I have been together for a long time, so I was really happy. It was a dream come true for me to be in a fighting game.

Dengeki: GBVS‘ 3D character models let you see the characters from all-new angles. What does this add to Percival’s appeal?
Oosaka: It’s really nice to see Percival talking with characters outside of his usual circle. It was a lot of fun to record those lines. But he’s definitely still Percival.
Dengeki: Other than Percival, are there other characters that you see in a new light now?
Oosaka: To be honest with you, all of them. I really enjoy all of the win poses and win quotes, they really bring out a lot of the characters’ personalities.
Dengeki: You were able to play preview versions of GBVS – how did it feel to play as Percival?
Oosaka: I really wanted to play my own character, and I was really moved when I got to play as Percival. I love fighting games, so I’m really excited to play this game when it’s officially released.

Dengeki: Percival and Lancelot are especially popular among the female fans. What should we look for from them in this game?
Oosaka: The round-ending animations for their Super Skybound Arts are super cool. I could watch them forever.
Dengeki: Is there a character other than your own that you really like, and you want to play?

Oosaka: I am 100% going to play as Djeeta once she’s available as DLC.
Dengeki: Compared to normal GBF recording, what was refreshing about GBVS recording? Was anything more difficult than normal?
Oosaka: For GBVS, there were a lot of recordings where I voiced it in real time along with the animations. That was new and cool. The graphics already looked amazing at that point, and that made it really easy.
Dengeki: GBF has a lot of fun character dialogue – is there a scene in GBVS that we should look out for?
Oosaka: I love all of the pre-fight dialogue, but I really enjoy Lowain’s and Ladiva’s lines more than I thought I would. They’re a lot of fun.
Dengeki: What part of GBVS felt most familiar to you as a GBF player?
Oosaka: The Skills in the game are very familiar. Unlike other fighting games, you can’t just spam the same moves over and over again – just like GBF.
Dengeki: GBVS has two modes: a single-player RPG mode, and Versus mode. Which mode are you more interested in?
Oosaka: RPG Mode, definitely. I want to know what the story is like, and there’s a lot more that I don’t know about it – the systems and so on. I’m really looking forward to it.
Dengeki: Is there a character you want in the game as DLC?
Oosaka: Right now there aren’t any mage characters in the game, so I think it would be really fun to have a long-range magic caster.
Dengeki: Any final words for the fans who’re waiting for this game to be released?
Oosaka: I really love fighting games, so I’m waiting for this game to come out just like the rest of you are out there. I love games developed by Arc System Works, and I think it’ll be a great game to dive into. If you find me on netplay, please take it easy on me.
Continued in part 2: an interview with Yonezawa Madoka (Ferry)