Following up the previous interview with Hiyama Nobuyuki (Seox), here’s Pash’s interview with Fukuyama Jun, the voice of Feower!
After this: Suwabe Jun’ichi (Seofon)!
Pash: What kind of character is Feower?
Fukuyama: When I first recorded him, I thought of him as a really edgy character, but as I’ve played him more, I’ve found a lot of room to play in. Maybe the players think of him differently because of his status as an Eternal, but right now, I think of him as “a boy who aims to be normal” and play him as such.

Pash: What do you focus on when playing him? Do you find anything difficult?
Fukuyama: I play him with a sense for balancing the comical and the serious aspects. When his rage boils out, I try to capture the serious side of that, but there are times where it’s more appropriate to treat it with a comic sense, and I look for those.
Pash: In “Seeds of Redemption”, you got to see the normally scattered Eternals come together as a single group and work together. What do you think of the relationship between the Eternals?
Fukuyama: I feel like the uniqueness and individuality of each Eternal has weirdly become the source of their connection. You feel like you know them, but you don’t. And that makes their bond strong. Each of them lives their own way and that has its charm, and the the parts of them that you can’t see make them even more interesting to me.

Pash: What would you like to see from Feower from here on?
Fukuyama: I want Bloody-Blood Stabby Man back.
Pash: Do you have a message for all the skyfarers out there?
Fukuyama: We made it to the 6th anniversary! It’s been so long that I may have graduated from newbie to veteran by now. Thanks to all of your love and support, I will keep on having all the fun in the world playing this fascinating character, so please, have all the fun with Granblue Fantasy!