Interview with the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy part 1 – Anime Expo 7/4/2019

At Anime Expo 2019, granblue_en was granted a special opportunity to sit down with Kimura Yuito (KMR) and Fukuhara Tetsuya (FKHR), the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy.

We came armed with questions pulled from our followers on Twitter, as well as a few things we’ve always been curious about as players.

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Fukuhara Tetsuya and Kimura Yuito interview – Famitsu 04/11/2019

(translated from the 04/11/2019 issue of Famitsu by @vibratingsheep, all mistakes are Sheep’s. All bolded phrases were highlighted in the original interview.)

The Granblue Fantasy style built over 5 years

Famitsu: When you look back at the last 5 years, what stands out?

Kimura Yuito (KMR): I left the Granblue Fantasy team for a time, but when you consider the time we were in development, I’m right at 5 years now.

Fukuhara Tetsuya (FKHR): I’ve been here since we started development, so it’s been about six and a half years for me. You could say that I’ve given this game my 30s.

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