It’s week 2 with Oosaka Ryouta in the studio, and the hosts concentrated on taking down the First Champion of Granblue Fantasy Versus.

Unofficial English Resource for Granblue Fantasy
It’s week 2 with Oosaka Ryouta in the studio, and the hosts concentrated on taking down the First Champion of Granblue Fantasy Versus.
Oosaka Ryouta, the voice of Percival, joined the studio to play some Granblue Fantasy Versus, as well as talk about his character.
Continue reading “Granblue TV Channel #43 translation thread – guest star Oosaka Ryouta (Percival)”As part of the Granblue Fantasy Versus marketing blitz, Dengeki PlayStation volume 684 includes a 20-page cover feature on GBVS, including two interviews with the voices of Percival and Ferry. They talk about their own characters as they enter the world of fighting games, as well as their favorite parts of GBVS.
Continue reading “Dengeki PlayStation interview: Oosaka Ryouta (Percival)”