Letter from the Director 2021 (part 1)

Greetins from the Head Shark, FKHR

At the beginning of every year since 2018, Granblue Fantasy creative director Fukuhara Tetsuya has written a letter addressed to GBF players to discuss the game’s past, present, and future. The 2021 edition of the letter covers the challenges of 2020 as well as the plan for the coming year – here’s our translation of the whole thing, in much more depth than our Twitter thread that skimmed over each segment.

For length reasons, we’ve split this into two parts. Part 1 covers the Granblue Fantasy browser game, and Part 2 covers Granblue Fantasy Versus and Granblue Fantasy Relink.

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Interview with Granblue Fantasy Composer Tsutomu Narita – 12/15/2020

For the release of Granblue Fantasy‘s 8th soundtrack “Awakening”, GBF composer Narita Tsutomu graciously answered our questions about his gaming habits, his musical influences, and some of the stories behind each track on the soundtrack.

Check out his tales of dragons, remixes, and old-school RPGs!

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Granblue Fes 2020 News Recap (Day 1)

Granblue Fes 2020 Day 1 has ended, and we’ve compiled all the news and info from it for your convenience. Today had a mix of news for the mobile game, and a detailed update on Relink’s current development status – view the details below!

One thing to note, they acknowledged how quickly merchandise sold out, and they will look into restocking, with no additional details given.

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