In the wake of Granblue Fantasy‘s biggest year ever, we caught up with creative director Tetsuya Fukuhara (FKHR) to discuss the year’s events, changes under the hood of GBF, and what the future has in store for us. Check it out!
Continue reading “Year 7 in review – Granblue_en interview with Tetsuya Fukuhara 5/11/2021”Tag: Interview
Interview with Granblue Fantasy Composer Tsutomu Narita – 12/15/2020

For the release of Granblue Fantasy‘s 8th soundtrack “Awakening”, GBF composer Narita Tsutomu graciously answered our questions about his gaming habits, his musical influences, and some of the stories behind each track on the soundtrack.
Check out his tales of dragons, remixes, and old-school RPGs!
Continue reading “Interview with Granblue Fantasy Composer Tsutomu Narita – 12/15/2020”Interview with the Granblue Fantasy Localization Team
As a change of pace from interviews with voice actors, FKHR, and KMR, we reached out to Cygames and asked if we could pick the brains of their localization team. To our delight, they agreed!
Continue reading “Interview with the Granblue Fantasy Localization Team”KMR and FKHR answer questions from Twitter — Granblue_en interview with Kimura Yuito and Fukuhara Tetsuya 5/26/2020
As Granblue Fantasy‘s development team adjusted to the new rules of the Coronavirus pandemic, we reached out to Kimura Yuito, (“KMR”, producer of GBF) and Fukuhara Tetsuya (“FKHR”, director of GBF). Armed with questions from Twitter, we asked them about challenges the game is facing in the age of COVID, along with a few other burning questions.
Continue reading “KMR and FKHR answer questions from Twitter — Granblue_en interview with Kimura Yuito and Fukuhara Tetsuya 5/26/2020”Pash! interview 04/2020: reader submitted questions to FKHR
Pash! magazine allowed readers to submit questions to FKHR, and he answered 28 of them in the latest issue! Let’s dig in.
Continue reading “Pash! interview 04/2020: reader submitted questions to FKHR”Interview with the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy part 2 – Anime Expo 7/4/2019
Kimura Yuito (KMR) and Fukuhara Tetsuya (FKHR), the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy, talk about GBF‘s increasing international presence, and provide a behind-the-scenes look at the fun side of GBF development. Continued from Part 1.
Granblue goes global
Granblue_en: Are there plans for creating localizations for GBF in other languages, like Chinese or Korean?
Continue reading “Interview with the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy part 2 – Anime Expo 7/4/2019”Interview with the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy part 1 – Anime Expo 7/4/2019
At Anime Expo 2019, granblue_en was granted a special opportunity to sit down with Kimura Yuito (KMR) and Fukuhara Tetsuya (FKHR), the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy.
We came armed with questions pulled from our followers on Twitter, as well as a few things we’ve always been curious about as players.
Continue reading “Interview with the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy part 1 – Anime Expo 7/4/2019”Fukuhara Tetsuya and Kimura Yuito interview – Famitsu 04/11/2019
(translated from the 04/11/2019 issue of Famitsu by @vibratingsheep, all mistakes are Sheep’s. All bolded phrases were highlighted in the original interview.)
The Granblue Fantasy style built over 5 years
Famitsu: When you look back at the last 5 years, what stands out?
Kimura Yuito (KMR): I left the Granblue Fantasy team for a time, but when you consider the time we were in development, I’m right at 5 years now.
Fukuhara Tetsuya (FKHR): I’ve been here since we started development, so it’s been about six and a half years for me. You could say that I’ve given this game my 30s.
Continue reading “Fukuhara Tetsuya and Kimura Yuito interview – Famitsu 04/11/2019”Touyama Nao (Lyria) Web Newtype interview
Web Newtype has published an interview with Touyama Nao (Lyria), recorded after she took home Best Supporting Actress and the newly created Game award at the Seiyuu Awards. The awards ceremony was why she was 2 hours late to the 5th Anniversary broadcast, in case you were wondering. The full translated text of the interview follows:

Newtype: It’s been quite a while since your debut, hasn’t it, Touyama-san?
Touyama Nao (Touyama): I’m about to start my tenth year in the business, but it feels like it’s gone by so quickly, and I haven’t done that much…. Because everything still feels so fresh to me, I feel like a greenhorn compared to the other ten-year vets near me (laughs). To this day, I still feel excited when I see ads for the voice school I went to, or see the training materials we used. They brings me back to a time when I didn’t know what path I could take to follow my dream, or when I had just joined an agency and didn’t know the rules of being a pro yet.
Suzumura Kenichi Interview – Pash! Magazine 04/2019
(translated from a Pash! April 2019 issue interview by @vibratingsheep, all mistakes are Sheep’s)
Pash: What kind of character does Sandalphon strike you as?
Suzumura: I see him as a very earnest character, who’s capable of true idealism. But I feel like his idealism also resulted in great pain and tragedy. He has a strong soul that lets him move forward, in spite of that pain.