Granblue TV Channel #24 translation: guest star Shiraishi Minoru (Lowain)

Back with another translation – though we know what you’re here for, so the Lyria’s Journal news first:

Read on for more info about Shiraishi Minoru’s favorite characters, secrets of the Lowain sound, and more!

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Interview with the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy part 2 – Anime Expo 7/4/2019

Kimura Yuito (KMR) and Fukuhara Tetsuya (FKHR), the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy, talk about GBF‘s increasing international presence, and provide a behind-the-scenes look at the fun side of GBF development. Continued from Part 1.

Granblue goes global

Granblue_en: Are there plans for creating localizations for GBF in other languages, like Chinese or Korean?

Continue reading “Interview with the producer and director of Granblue Fantasy part 2 – Anime Expo 7/4/2019”